My most recent TV show was a hunt with my buddy Ralph who was blind. We combined our abilities to try to harvest a big buck on Outward Bound TV. It turned out to be an awesome experience that you can watch right here.
The first time I was on TV was when I hunted with The Way Outfitters near Appleton Wisconsin. You can watch that show here.
purpose of this webpage is simply to help people with disabilities access the
outdoors. I've tried to gather information that I have looked for with the hope
that organizing it makes it easier for other people. If you have anything to
add, comment on, or correct, please let me know. If you are looking for information
that you don't see on this page, give me a shout and I will try to find it.
Over the years, another purpose has developed for this site. I found there are countless hunting and fishing opportunities for kids with disabilities or life-threatening illnesses. Much of the work I do now focuses on these kids. If you know of any youth struggling with illness who have dreams of spending time in the outdoors, please contact me as there are more opportunities than I have found kids for.
*** Remember when you contact me that I ALWAYS respond to emails, but lately several people have not been getting my responses. Please make sure is not caught by your spam filter.